
Friday, June 27, 2014


Once more into the void! My biggest question must be D’Mona Ross what are you thinking? Well as it was expected, Judge Shadur REFUSED to allow D’Mona Ross to withdraw her plea of guilty made on February 13, 2013. Judge Shadur AGAIN stated from the transcript that D’Mona Ross had made her guilty plea under her own free will and in addition, she told the court in her own words with her own voice what she had done in the mortgage fraud. Judge Shadur said there was no predicate (I think that was the word) to withdraw her plea and her plea of guilty stands. My personal impression was that the Judge was not please about having to cancel a trial that was ready to start (the trial of co-defendant Avalon Betts Gaston).

At this time D’Mona Ross’ attorney Scott Kamin will have to discuss with her a date for sentencing. I just don’t understand; how can a person that possibly had her freedom, (all she had to do was tell the truth), already testified (dropped a dime) on her co-defendant and others to various federal agencies and now after all is said and done, only her co-defendant is left for trial, does this tactic come up. I just do not get it. It makes me ask questions again.

(1) Why on earth wasn’t D’Mona Ross in court today of all days when the judge was making the decision that could possibly send her to federal prison?
(2) Was she fully aware of what was being said in open court and how via her attorney she sounded like an idiot (my opinion of course)?
(3) Why now when Avalon Betts Gaston was going to trial?
(4) Did D’Mona Ross ever get around to reading the transcript of Avalon Betts Gaston’s disbarment? Did she know in that transcript she was blamed; the mastermind?
(5) Who hired Attorney Kamin? Who recommended him to you?
(6) Has the thought crossed D’Mona Ross’ mind there may be a strong possibility that she may be called a liar and the architect of the mortgage fraud by Avalon Betts Gaston’s new lawyer who seems to be a sharp cookie.
(7) D’Mona, were you promised something if you changed your plea (my thoughts again). Did it never cross your mind that a sharp lawyer whose goal it is will be to get her client acquitted would not use your flip-flop as another way to discredit you and put the scam on your shoulders? It will be interesting to see once Avalon Betts Gaston’s’ trial begins if you are called a liar and how many times. Will you be the fall guy (again)?
(8) It is too bad you do not read my blog or web site. (See 06/23/2014 blog) You might have thought first what do; what you have to lose or is this another fraud where you may take the blame; the entire transcript is on the web site. All you had to do was READ and you might have thought how well you had it with possibly no jail time versus now sentencing with possibly jail. Do you really want to be the one in jail; girl I hope you got something out of it. To me (my opinion) it sounds like you have been seriously PLAYED!
Next: D'Mona Ross' sentencing date which I will post when it becomes available.
The scheduling of the trial for Avalon Betts Gaston may be in November 2014 but I will post the actual date as soon as it becomes available.